Our Philosophy
Our goal in landfill design is to develop operating strategies and closure concepts that will maximize utilization of on-site materials and return the land to an attractive and productive state, while minimizing the risk of post closure leachate impacts on the environment. Examples of this natural control approach include leachate minimization through progressive closure and surface water diversion at Penticton, hydraulic trap leachate collection systems at Hartland Landfill in Victoria, and phytoremediation at Salmon Arm and at Forceman Landfill. We consider the use of native materials for closure. The use of natural attributes results in a significant reduction in capital costs by removing the need for an engineered leachate barrier. Examples of this include natural control clay barriers at the Knockholt Landfill in Houston and the Bailey Road Landfill in Chilliwack.
We are well-versed in environmental regulations and are familiar with operational requirements and economic constraints at small and large landfills in BC and Western Canadian communities, including capital constraints, wildlife problems and all-season operations.