Located in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the company presently has a team of qualified engineers and scientists with skills and experience to complete even the most demanding environmental management related projects including:
- Landfill Design and Operations Plans
- Landfill Siting Studies
- Landfill Closure and End Use Plans
- Landfill Operations Contracts
- Landfill Fire Extinguishments
- Transfer Station Siting, Design and Operations
- Wastewater Treatment and Pump Stations
- Landfill Gas Control and Utilization
- Leachate Collection Systems
- Waste Generation and Capacity Analyses
- Land Reclamation
- Settlement and Compaction Studies
- Environmental Assessments and Monitoring
- Geotechnical Stability Assessments
- Economic and Cost Analyses
- Tender Drawings and Master Plans
- Engineering Design, Specifications and Construction
- Construction Inspection QA/QC
- Topographic Surveys and Aerial Photography